In occasione del convegno annuale della SSMI è possibile presentare i risultati di diversi progetti e lavori.
Prezzi 2024
Migliore presentazione orale Professione medica
"Performance of the MRI Lesion Pattern Score in Predicting Neurological Outcome after Cardiac Arrest - a Retrospective Cohort Analysis"
Manuela Iten, Antoine Moser, Franca Wagner, Matthias Hänggi, Bern; Zürich
La migliore cura per la presentazione orale
"Post-intensive care syndrome questionnaire - deutsche Übersetzung und Pilotstudie"
Fabienne Schlup, Marie-Madlen Jeitziner, Christian Emsden, Christoph von Dach, Bern; Basel
Migliore tesi di diploma NDS Terapia intensiva
"Limiting and Enabling Factors for Early Mobilization of Intensive Care Patients. Qualitative Interview."
Sara Riva, Elisa Soldini Esposito, Pamela Torti, Elisa Soldini Esposito, Pamela Torti, Danira Righetti, Simona Pertusini, Paolo Lepori, Lugano; Manno
SGI Young Investigator Award
"Sex Disparities in ICU Care and Outcomes After Cardiac Arrest: A Nationwide Analysis"
Simon Adrian Amacher, Tobias Zimmermann, Pimparat Gebert, Ketina Arslani, Gregor Loosen, Hamid Merdji, Catherine Gebhard, Sabina Hunziker, Raoul Sutter, Martin Siegmund, Caroline E. Gebhard, Basel; London (GB); Berlin (DE); Copenhagen (DK); Strasbourg (FR); Zürich
Prezzi 2023
Migliore presentazione orale Professione medica
Epidemiology and Outcomes of Early versus Late Septic Acute Kidney Injury in Critically Ill Patients
Céline Monard, Nathan Bianchi, Tatiana Kelevina, Marco Altarelli, Antoine Schneider, Lausanne
La migliore cura per la presentazione orale
Pflegerische Spannungsfelder kritisch chronisch kranker Kinder auf der Intensivstation
Katharina Rüdisüli, Anna-Barbara Schlüer, Zürich
Migliore tesi di diploma NDS Terapia intensiva
Dream or virtual reality": an exploration of experiences of virtual reality for stress reduction in Intensive Care Unit
Ruben Gregorio, Brunella Trapletti, Simona Pertusini, Elisa Soldini Esposito, Pamela Torti, Danira Righetti, Enrico Citriniti, Lugano; Manno
SGI Young Investigator Award
Critical illness in patients with omicron variant COVID-19: different but crucial
Anisa Hana, Pedro David Wendel Garcia, Claudia Friedrich, Daniela Nowak, Stefanie Keiser, Reto A. Schüpbach,
Matthias Hilty, Züri
Prezzi 2022
Beste Orale Präsentation Ärzteschaft
Sex versus Gender-related Characteristics: Which Predicts Outcomes of Acute COVID-19?
Bianca Gysi, Basel
Beste Orale Präsentation Pflege
FICUS Trial: Testing a multicomponent family support intervention in adult intensive care
Rahel Naef, Zürich
Beste Diplomarbeit NDS Intensivpflege
Tubustoleranz – Pflegerisches Management des endotracheal beatmeteten pädiatrischen Intensivpatienten
Katharina Rüdisüli, Zürich
SGI Young Investigator Award
1. Platz
Effects of tall man lettering on the visual behaviour of critical care nurses while identifying syringe drug labels: a randomised in situ simulation
Daniel Hofmänner, Zürich
2. Platz
Depression and Burnout Syndrome in Swiss ICU health care workers during the COVID-19 pandemic: An observational, cross-sectional study and follow up results
Marie-Elisabeth Kaidi, Chur
Prezzi 2021
Freie Mitteilungen Ärzteschaft
Geteilter 1. Platz:
Evolution of mortality over time: results from the COVID-19 Swiss hospital surveillance system (CH-SUR)
Dr. Maroussia Roelens, University of Geneva (UNIGE)
2. geteilter 1. Platz:
Mental health outcomes of ICU and non-ICU healthcare workers during the COVID-19 outbreak: a cross-sectional study
Dr méd. Hannah Wozniak; Dr méd. Sara Cereghetti, HUG Genève
Young Investigators' Session
1. Platz:
Oliguria in Critically Ill Patients: Impact on AKI Classification and Outcomes Prediction
Dr méd. Nathan Bianchi, CHUV Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV)
2. Platz:
COVID-19: Impact on Circuit Lifetime and Performance during Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy
Dr méd. Livia Whiting, CHUV Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV)
Freie Mitteilungen Pflege
Zwischen Himmel und Hölle – eine qualitative Studie zu den Erfahrungen von Eltern mit einem kritisch kranken Kind mit extrakorporaler Membranoxygenierung (ECMO)
Yvonne Kröger, Universitäts-Kinderspital Zürich
Diplomarbeiten NDS Intensivpflege
Iatrogen erworbene Anämien auf der Intensivstation
Markus Pöll, Kantonsspital St Gallen
Prezzi 2019
- Beste Diplomarbeit NDS Intensivpflege | Meilleur travail de diplôme des étudiants post-diplôme en
soins intensifs: CHF 1000.–
Akute Desaturation beim beatmeten Patienten - Ein symptombasierter Ansatz
Serena Dietiker, Winterthur
- Best oral presentation Pflege | Meilleure présentation orale soin: CHF 1000.–
Adverse Events in the Adult ICU Setting: A Descriptive Study
Kathrin Thormann, Bern
- Best oral presentation Ärzteschaft | Meilleure présentation orale médecins: CHF 1000.–
Information conveyed by electrical diaphragmatic activity during unstressed, stressed and assisted spontaneous breathing: a physiologic study
Dr. med. Lise Piquilloud Imboden, Lausanne
- Young Investigator Award 1. Place: CHF 3000.–
Respiratory mechanics can be measured during spontaneous breathing at the bedside: illustration of feasibility
Dr. med. Davy Cabrio, Lausanne
- Young Investigator Award 2. Place: CHF 1500.-
Can New Wearable Technology significantly increase the Efficacy Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation? A controlled, randomized trial testing
Dr. med. Samuele Ceruti, Genf
Prezzi 2018
- Beste Diplomarbeit NDS Intensivpflege | Meilleur travail de diplôme des étudiants post-diplôme en
soins intensifs: CHF 1000.–
Obstruktion nach Extubation; Atemwegsobstruktion bei pädiatrischen Patienten
S Möhr
- Best oral presentation Ärzteschaft | Meilleure présentation orale médecins: CHF 1000.–
Late awakening in survivors of post-anoxic coma: early neurophysiological predictors and association with ICU and long-term neurological recovery.
A Rey
- Best oral presentation Pflege | Meilleure présentation orale soin: CHF 1000.–
Instrument zur Vorhersage eines langen Intensivaufenthaltes
Conrad Wesch
- Young Investigator Award 1. Place: CHF 3000.–
Efficacy of phage therapy against lethal methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) ventilator associated pneumonia - an experimental study in rats
J Prazak
- Young investigator award 2. Place: CHF 1500.–
Quantitative pupillometry for the monitoring of intracranial hypertension in patients with severe traumatic brain injury
F-P Jahns
Prezzi 2017
- Beste Diplomarbeit NDS Intensivpflege | Meilleur travail de diplôme des étudiants post-diplôme en
soins intensifs: CHF 1000.–
Delir auf der pädiatrischen Intensivstation - eine theoriegestützte Fallbearbeitung.
Géraldine von Gunten, Inselspital, Universitätsspital Bern
- Beste freie Mitteilung Pflege | Meilleure présentation orale Soins: CHF 1000.–
Ethische Fragen der Pflege.
U Barandun Schäfer, A Ulrich, B Meyer, IA Frei; Basel, Universitätsspital Basel
- Best oral presentation Ärzteschaft | Meilleure présentation orale médecins: CHF 1000.–
Impact of Real-Time Therapeutic Drug Monitoring on the Prescription of Antibiotics in Burn Patients Requiring Admission to the Intensive Care Unit.
A Fournier, P Eggimann, O Pantet, J Pagani, E Dupuis-Lozeron, A Pannatier, F Sadeghipour, P Voirol, Y Que Lausanne, Bern, A Fournier, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois
- Young Investigator Award 1. Place: CHF 3000.–
Perioperative fluid management with 0.9% saline is associated with increased hemodynamic instability in patients undergoing major surgery - A prospective, randomized, controlled, double-blind study.
C Pfortmüller, G Funk, C Reiterer, O Zotti, B Kabon, E Fleischmann, G Lindner; Bern, Vienna (AT), Dr. C Pfortmüller, Inselspital, Universitätsspital Bern
- Young investigator award 2. Place: CHF 1500.–
Heart rate elevations during early sepsis predict death in fluid resuscitated rats with feacal peritonitis.
V Jeger, M Arrigo, C Schaer, G Schoedon, D Spahn, D Bettex, A Rudiger; Zürich, Dr. V Jeger, Universitätsspital Zürich